Sunday, September 13, 2009


ummer is the season for weddings in the kingdom, and for the locals, it means being invited to many receptions, so many in fact that it can be easy to forget which ones they've been invited to.

But this won't happen at a wedding by a young groom, who decided to invite his friends and relatives through the magic of billboard advertising. A very unique and effective way of remembering all his loved ones to come to his wedding. He resorted to this idea so as not to forget anyone, especially that the city is replete with such occasions in summer. He commissioned a giant billboard in a busy part of town. It will be difficult for anyone to claim they weren't aware of the wedding, especially now that the press has covered it, too.

Many thanks for the wedding invitation, Sadiq!!!


RamOn said...

You've got show me the billboard so I could attend the wedding, too!


Bay Martin said...

Locals only, man! ha ha ha!!!

JP said...

When is the4 wedding? Sali ako dyan, tsibugan eh!

Montsy said...

Where is my weddin invitation?