Saturday, April 12, 2008


I learned the theories behind stock and stock investment in college, but never got the chance to put them into practice. As part of the work team in one of the biggest financing and investment companies in the middle east, I realize that there are so many significant developments taking place in the stock market investing. New terminologies, concepts, principles, techniques, and strategies.

Here are some valuable advices from our friendly network: Individuals who are considering stock market investing should seek sound and wise advice form an expert or professional in the field. When stock investing, it is important to gain access to sound financial advice from experts in the field. Having a long range understanding of this process can often mean the difference between making a sizable profit and losing a great deal of money. As with any financial decisions, this requires careful and wise consideration and planning. Jumping into something like the stock market too quickly can be financially devastating for an individual that is not well informed on how this process works.

With stock market harvesting, a fluctuating market is the result of supply and demand. The individual who is stock investing should understand that the process is much like an auction. Traders and buyers sell shares of companies, allowing prices to go up to or down. The prices will be determined by supply and demand and this may result in fluctuating markets.


Anonymous said...

To be honest I don't know anything about stock investment. May be, we have to sit down one time and discuss opportunities in securities. What do you say?

Jojo Starr said...

Hello Bay,

Nice article. It is the tip of the iceberg. You will learn more about investing and capital markets when you transfer to our department. Its a little bit complicated than this article but constant exposure with the economics and stockmarket reports, you will learn the styles and the plays the do in the market.

Bay Martin said...

I am looking forward to learning many things about investment and capital markets. Let's keep our fingers crossed that I get to transfer to T&CMD asap. I deserve a better place and better opportunities.

Bay Martin said...


Please feel free to drop by anytime!

Anonymous said...

Are you investing in stocks?