A palindrome is a word or sentence that reads the same backward as it does forward, such as tot, boob, mom, dad, did, non, noon, racecar, deed, level, pip, rotor, civic, pop, madam, eye, nun, radar, toot, and many others. Mathematics, too, has arrangements that could be called palindromes. For example:
21978 x 4 = 87912
10989 x 9 = 98901
There are some complex examples of reversal, mixing addition and multiplication:
9 + 9 = 18 81 = 9 x 9
24 + 3 = 27 72 = 3 x 24
47 + 2 = 49 94 = 2 x 47
497 + 2 = 499 994 = 2 x 497
Tito Bay,
I remember the times when you were teaching me equation while waiting for my turn. I'll call you!
Your webpage is very informative.
Still me!
In what year are you in now?
Give me a call. My new landline is 897-0954.
You promised to give me some words you know that you could spell forward and backward. What are they?
You are a young and yet have many talents You should be thankful to God!
Tito Bay
I know some palindromes, if you want, I can email them to you!
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