My friend, Henry, is a generous father-in-law. He set a fine example of simplicity when he decided to cancel his daughter's lavish and extravagant wedding and replace it with a small and simple party limited to family members The groom appreciated the gesture and instead spent the money he saved to furnish the bridal home.
Well, I agree that wedding is one of the most important events in most people's lives, and one of the most expensive, too! But careful planning helps reduce the wedding cost without reducing enjoyment. Joyous occasion? I say, yes to that! Memorable? I agree and it's fine, but most of the time these two words mean expensive!
MY WEDDING with frenchmàn costs me à 10K php includes reception, wed gown ànd bàrong, ànd màrriàge fees.
Who càn beàt thàt, ànd we still is màrried.
Its not the làvish prepàràtion, its the solemnity of the event. Got only ten guests, were àll hàppy.
Me sa justice of the peace lang at pizza pie lang ang handa. Hawaiian delight naman!
I agree. The simpler the better!
Yes, bongga nga wedding mo, dami mo naman utanggggeehhh!!!
Mas tipid kung live in na lang ha ha !!!
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