A little learning is a dangerous thing;
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring:
There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
and drinking largely sobers us again! Alexander Pope
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Did you know that the ancient Vikings navigated by depending on the instinct of birds. They took on board a number of ravens, and released them one by one as they sailed to the west. If the raven flew back along the course from which it had come, the Viking ships continued due west. But when a raven flew a different way, the ships would change course and follow its flight path to search for new lands.
Noah first sent out a raven, but the raven kept flying to and from until the waters were dried up. So Noah sent out a dove to see what would happen. The dove could not find a place to rest so it came back to the ark. Seven days later, he sent the dove out again. This time she returned with an olive leaf in her beak. When Noah saw the olive leaf, he knew the water was almost gone. So he waited another seven days and sent her out once more. The time the dove did not return.
Anong bird ang pinalipad ni Noah?
Noah first sent out a raven, but the raven kept flying to and from until the waters were dried up. So Noah sent out a dove to see what would happen. The dove could not find a place to rest so it came back to the ark. Seven days later, he sent the dove out again. This time she returned with an olive leaf in her beak. When Noah saw the olive leaf, he knew the water was almost gone. So he waited another seven days and sent her out once more. The time the dove did not return.
Hoy alam ko ang The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe!
Can we use parrots? lolz. Kidding aside, parrots can speak. Maybe they're much more intelligent than ravens or doves.
Satellite TV for PC
Parrots do not have the strength to make long flights!
@ Monching,
Ok, recite the whole poem to me!
@ Blogger,
Hi, thanks for the visit and for leaving comments.
How about parrots? Yes, they are intelligent species, but I don't know about their prowess in flying.
Sailing ... I'm sailing home... sailing ... I'm sailing home...
I agree that they are intelligent species.
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