Monday, October 20, 2008


Patience will help us keep calm in times of troubles and difficulties. It will help us think more clearly. As a result, we shall find it easier to turn to God when we need Him. Humility will help us admit our weakness and nothingness. It will make us less irritable and resentful of our distasteful experiences. These two virtues will help us have peace in the middle of our troubles. With a definite plan in mind, we can proceed against our faults and conquer our temptations.


Anonymous said...

Not patience, but I practice humility!

Bay Martin said...

Patience and humility always go together. You cannot be humble and not patient enough to see things in equal stride.

Anonymous said...

Teach me how to be patient! I am also very irritable.

Anonymous said...

Many thanks for the article about humility. It seems very hard to do, but it's worth the try.