a classic work of art
romantic sentiment
lover's rose
a message of fire
immeasurable inspiration
deep emotion
love and fidelity!
A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers us again! Alexander Pope
In the workplace, appreciating employee contribution will encourage a positive mindset and increase the feel good factor. Appreciation motivates employees to work harder and produce better work. Praise impacts an increase in productivity and helps acquire better quality and quantity of work output. When a person does a job well, praise him immediately. Never delay in praising.
In family setting, always devote more time with your dear ones who keep meaning to appreciate the efforts you exert to give them a genuine feeling of importance, tremendous love, support and care.
Self efficacy is the belief in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the sources of action required to manage prospective situations. If efficacy beliefs always reflected only what people can do routinely they would rarely fall but they would not set aspirations beyond their immediate reach nor mount the extra effort needed to surpass their ordinary performances. People who regard themselves as highly efficacious act, think, and feel differently from those who perceive themselves as inefficacious. They produce their own future, rather than simply foretell it.
Ref: Social Foundations of Thought and Action
It is vanity to strive too intently for perishable riches and to fix your homes on them. It is vanity also to be over-eager for honors, or to consider yourself better than the others. It is vanity to follow blindly the desires of the flesh and to want things which will bring penalty later on.
It is vanity to wish for a long life while caring little about living a good life. It is vanity to give your entire attention to the present life without thinking of the life which will come later. It is vanity to love only what is speedily passing away, instead of fixing your heart on heaven–the home of endless joy.
Hearing God’s voice is something we all long for, but did you know that it is not hard to do? God wants us to hear His voice! He does not speak to us through a quiver in our liver or through vibes or mediums. Hearing the voice of God is as natural as hearing your best friend talk to you. What is more, we can hear Him everyday and not just on special occasions or by chanting special incantations. He speaks to us in the natural moments of life.
Do you want to hear God’s voice? Then, you must be ready to listen.
Regardless of feelings, moods, prejudices, or preferences, strive to maintain a right intention at all times. As soon as your natural desires contradict God’s will, check them as you would check any other foolish intention.
Do not let life’s daily events disturb nor affect you too much. Seek to know His will and to accept it in all things. With this pure intention, you will have a deep interior peace. This is God’s gift to those who let Him govern their lives.
Our intentions tend to become dim as we proceed through our daily occupations. Gradually we are influenced more by pleasure or self-satisfaction. Therefore, let us renew our pure intentions at different times during the day.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning