Friday, November 6, 2009


Saying I don't know is an act of humility. It makes us more in touch with reality and truth. We are more believable and approachable. When we say, I don't know, we acknowledge and accept vulnerabilities. This is what you call humility in action.

f we are self-centered and arrogant, we cannot work directly to develop a humble heart. Instead, we work indirectly toward humility against the objective measure of a pure heart. A humble unassuming person immediately puts us at ease. We can feel more relax and be ourselves in their presence, a comfort zone, no fear because the heart of the humble knows love. It is not a sign of weakness or being passive. Rather, it gives us the courage and strength of accepting and understanding the purpose of being in this world, as a part of humanity, and a part of life.

Practicing humility is not changing our personality, but it helps put an end to the practice of setting ourselves above others. If we really wish to be able to love, then we must empty our heart in humility.

"It was pride that changed angels to devils,
it is humility that makes men as angels."


RamOn said...

To practice humility is not that easy lalo ngayon, super daming mae-ere ang karamihan.

I remember your song, "humble thyself in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up!"

Dar said...

Hi Bay, nice job you did with this entry. Very interesting!

Bay Martin said...

@ Ram

You are right, there are so many self-centered individuals nowadays, which reminded of your colleague, "super bagyo" ang dating.

Bay Martin said...

Thanks, Dar!