Tuesday, November 10, 2009


surely do not wish that anyone should suffer pain of any kind. Much less would I want to inflict it with malice on anybody. But when it comes, both as sign of our humanity and as a signal warning us of our illusions, pain has to be welcomed.

Down to brass tacks, pain is a very demanding but generous customer. When it comes, it does not leave us alone. It claims for our attention and taxes our very person. But if all the time it was there, we were patient, attentive and generous, it purifies us and makes us better persons. Any person who knows how to suffer pain emerges from the suffering purified, even-tempered and a thousand times more compassionate.


Monts said...

I can't handle any kind of pain whoooo!

Tsitong said...

How does pain purifies us? Please explain further!

Dar said...

Very encouraging!

Unknown said...

I am in pain right now. It's bodily pain, pain sa bulsaaaaa, pauuuuttttaaaannnngggggg!!!