What makes some families strong? How can we nurture a wholesome relationship among the family members? How can we create our own unique, healthy family? We have to consider many aspects in our lives, look into different angles and decide where to start the healing process. We have to determine which areas of family are already strong and identify other areas where we want to be stronger.

Even strong families have conflicts. Members may get angry, criticize or reprimand each other. But strong families are able to deal with conflicts without bickering or destroying each other or family well-being. Families get stronger by expression of caring and appreciation, commitment, spending time together, encouragement, communication, spirituality, community and family ties. Members of strong families find ways to encourage and support each other. Love and respect are freely given and extended, not as a way to buy family members' love.

These all together make family foundation sturdier and able to withstand time.
Every problem has a solution. Love in a family can solve many problems.
Nice post! The family is very important in society.
The parents should be an example of love, respect and communication to the other family members.
And the family that prays together stays together.
nice blog...i really love it...it only shows how important family is...be happy... spend quality time with each other, after all life is beautiful specially when shared by family..=)
A family built in the foundation of Christian love is a very healthy family.
A healhty family is MATATABA ang buong pamilya ha ha ha!!!
@ Mutuele,
I agree with you, Mutuele. Love, joy, trials, problems, and everything which concerns the family is shared.
@ Defiscalisation,
There is nothing more important than a family.
@ Rachat Credit,
Exactly! Parents should be the role model. The very basic foundation of children's education comes from the parents.
@ Mon,
And that's Father Payton's famous exhortation about the family.
@ Chuwie,
A regular family get together is fun and always brings joy and great happiness among the members.
@ Tsito,
I agree with you. Jesus Christ should be the center of the family life.
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