Friday, March 28, 2008


Our life is like a building; our thoughts, words and actions are all bricks in the building. As we line them all up on the foundation of His teaching, we will have a character that can stand the tests of storms of life.

It is a continuing process. We should have the determination, the drive, and the discipline to achieve the goals we set for ourselves. Let us always aspire success in every aspect of our lives; health, family, finances, friends, knowledge, physical, emotional, spiritual, and enjoy each step of the way to success.

For the needed support, we can always rely on Him. Whoever lives as he pleases, without following the standards that were laid down to us by He, who is all knowing, will be a failure like a house built on the sand without any foundation. You won’t be able to stand when the storms come.

If you want to be a successful person, build your life on His teaching and follow His standards.


Anonymous said...

Learn the 3 Ds of success: discipline, diligence, and determination. If you have these traits, you will surely go places.

Anonymous said...

Bro, always include me in your prayers. As you well know, I am into a new chapter in my life, and I hope I made the right choice! I promise to build a good family foundation in His great Name!

Anonymous said...

This is very inspiring entry. I am keepig a copy to remind me about good family foundation. How will I able to write articles like you do!