The Koala of Australia is perfectly adapted to one specific tree. the eucalyptus, and doesn't need anything else, not even water. It is one of the few land animals that do not need water to supplement their food. If the eucalyptus tree were to become extinct, the koala would become extinct, too, for it eats nothing but eucalyptus leaves.

If the zebra population were to vanish overnight, African lions would decrease drastically in numbers.

Bees and numerous species of plants that depend on bees for cross-pollination would be wiped out as well.

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Balance of nature!
A Very Very Happy New Year 2010 To You :-)
@ Anon
Sorry to hear your present predicaments, buddy. I empathize with you. Many are in very tight situations nowadays. We can only hope for the all the best to come this new year!
Whoever you are, you will be in my prayers!
@ Joseph,
Natumbok mo, partner!
@ Dorothy,
Many thanks for the wonderful New Year's greetings. May you be blessed with plenty in His Name.
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that's the bees knees.
Thank you for the information on the Koala, it's quite surprising.
Survival of the fittest!
You can travel with me in Nigeria if you want to see real wildlife!
This is a very informative article. I like it.
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