Sunday, January 11, 2009


A young piano student is so eager to start with his new lesson, Prelude No. 7 in A Major, Opus. 28/7, one of the finest short piano solo compositions by Frederic Francois Chopin.

Chopin is the open door in music. He is not only the poet of pianoforte, he is the poet of music, the most poetic composer. Chopin will always be Chopin, whether his poetry is apprehended by the pianist or not. He neither preaches nor paints; yet his art is decorative and dramatic--in the climate of ideal. His music sounds all the better; the listener is not pinned down to any precise mood, the music being allowed to work its particular charm without the aid of literary crutches for unimaginative minds.

My piano students love Chopin!


Bay Martin said...

Hi Keyword, I appreciate the visit. Will swing by the soon.

Have a very fine day!

Anonymous said...

I am sure you played Nocturne last full moon. I know you well, very moody when it comes to piano playing ek ek ek!!!

Bay Martin said...

I did! I also played Moonlight Sonata, Toselli's Serenade, Serenade, and Sarung Banggi.